When will Boeing's new chief get around to solving problems instead of letting new ones happen

So far the new Boeing CEO is not standing out as a problem solver. His first couple of months has more been a deepening of the Boeing rut.

Maybe his immediate and well announced (partial) relocation to Seattle was not such a smart move after all. It certainly have given the machinists the guts to demand back stuff they gave up 10 years ago because Boeing then threatened to move more production away from the area.

He needs to be careful with letting his division leutenants run the show by playing hardball with the unions at a time when Boeing needs to ramp up production, not let it grind to a halt altogether. They may have more experience from within Boeing and been seen by the previous CEO as leading lights but it is time for a new regime. The previous one created and proeeded with more trouble than it was worth for both customers and the company itself.

Boeing might be too critical to the for all practical purposes duopoly in passenger plane making in the western world, but that deeply depends on that they continue to actually make planes in large numbers. At the moment they are not. 

In the meantime the managmenet solution is to reduce the workforce. That will probably not help much in overseeing that planes made in the future will be of better quality than so far. The easiest to lay off without production immediately dipping even more is the oveseers and quality control people. And if the positions  need rehiring in the future they who come in will have less experience. Words that keep popping up in the who is going process is also overhead individul costs. Workers that have been around for a while tend to cost more but with time comes experience but its to expensive so out with them. Probably a lot of future potential whistleblowers will go with them also along with a lot of the engineers that where to design the planes of the future.

So far it doesn't seem that the new broom is going for what Boeing have been sorely lacking. Quality, management technical oversight, calmness and plans for new models. Insted reducing experience, showing thoughness penny pinching. What does 30 or 40% payrise over multiple years really mean for results. Probably a lot less than couple of months worth of lost production. And disapointing customers by further delays in plane deliveries. 

Its another wall street pleasing money man even though this one has some engineering background. Maybe the clue is in that his previous company in the end was sold. Shrink it to sell it.


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