
Showing posts with the label parking

Norwegian increasing rate of expansion, again

Norwegian is stacking up with even more planes for the summer months taking on Flyr's 6 737-ExMax that will probably be parked again for next winter.  Last September Norwegian flew 1.9 million passengers with their planes. In January they flew 1.1 million with the same fleet and with a fill of nearly the ssame as in September. That means they winter parked about 40% of their fleet and/or possibly some of the left over capacity was used for flying longer routes. And now they are taking on even more planes that most likely also will be parked when winter again arrives. The litle drip Norwegian get of passengers from the demise of Flyr will be almost unnoticable. Not either helped by that 3/4 of the Flyr fleet was parked anyway. 186 seat planes are to large for high frequency trafic in and around Norway for 80% of the year. And if you have less than 100 planes you should not park more than max 10% of them during low-season.. Lets hope that Norwegian drop some of their older 737-800 wh...

What are the plans of Norwegian's new loanprovider owners

What is the plan for the lenders new shareholdings in Norwegian. Why did they not just take the planes back and finished with it. A loss is a loss and better be over and done with it and move on. Are they just leaving the Dreamliners there hoping the Norwegian government through unsecured loans to Norwegian will pay for maintenance and parking for them until the market returns. Then take them back only at such a time when existing or new airlines make signals to move on the Transcontintal markets Norwegian left behind. Unless Norwegian's management in the near future quickly turns around and show they have a plan for all those aircrafts one would assume the planes real owners will take them back. In the meantime they can always make some extra cash by selling the billions of new Norwegian shares to upset norwegians. On the other hand would they not be better off getting in a new management with a vision for the company. A vision for how planes could be utilized whatever it take...