
Showing posts with the label changes

Current management in Norwegian has gone into hiding

Or is it hibernation for the year. They refused to hold a press conference when the first quarter results came out and issued just a written statement. There where no new plans for this year at a time when other airlines left, right and center come up with their back to business plans from June/July. Instead just what had happened from January to March, so pretty much pre CoVid19. A company like Norwegian should squander no time or opportunity getting a momentum going by presenting a basic timeline for coming back from the nearly dead. It can always be adjusted as more countries opens up, or closes down again, but get something up there you can sell and get those prepayments in. Something that will make the lease holder share owners happy that there is lights not only at the end of the tunnel but also in it. And a chance for some early payback also for the power by the hour deal. Not to mention that any positive news on more planes in the air can only lead to a real upswing in the s...

Norwegian management changes lacking in situational awareness

Did Schram forget that the world has changed when he today presented his new'ish senior managment for Norwegian. The plan from last winter should have been put out to pasture and a new one created more suited to corona and a return. Getting in old sales colleagues to sell more inflight stiff to passengers no longer existing is a bit to late. Will these new brooms first start in April next year when the company plans to have more than 7 planes in the air. The won't sell much aboard a plane where everyone wears a mask. And the experience is more about not getting infected rather than anything else. The position, in addition to Karlsen's, that is most of importance is Chief of Operations. And they haven't filled that. No wonder they have problemes handling even 7 planes. The CEO must have been in a hurry to present his plan before the new owners get control of their shares, get organized and come up with their own plan. Or person/team that will form that plan. Will th...