
Showing posts with the label combine

The way to price for a profitable airline

How to set the pricing strategy for a profitable airline. You start with the costs. It is important to know both the set and variable costs for each leg (city pair) you would potentially fly.  Include everything like cost of plane, crew, maintenance, fuel and taxes. Plus an ad on for other costs like managment, admin and marketing. Hence lowering the costs is alpha and omega for creating a competititive airline that is also profitable. Ceate a pricing strategy fpr eah route that gives you a profit at 80% capacity, or lower if you think you can get away with it in the market. Create several steps in the pricing ladder so you have a low starting price for marketing purposes and the fuller the plane the more you get in. Now you have your base price model. Add on a percentage premium for more poular times of the week, or of the day, and if there are any events scheduled for that market. Add also on a percentage for any premium services you offer, example a 50% add on for middle s...