
Showing posts with the label separation

CoVid19 shows that what have floated to the top in the airline world is people talking bull

Many of them are talking about how good their air conditioning are but would probably them selves not thrust sample a packed pub that relied on their ac instead of physical separation in CoVid19 times. They talked against temperature checks at airports unitl they discovered that that meant they themselves had to take action. Then they where all for it. Masks was unworkable until the only alternative was middle seat. All of a sudden the masks where the bees knees. While Joyce, Walsh, O'Leary, Wilson and others are again and again touting the same frase that nobody have been infected on a plane, they know at the same time that that the opposite would be difficult to prove without reasonable doubt. It would require you driving directly from a 14 day quarantine to the airport in a car by yourself and all the way to the aircraft stairs. Then doing the same in the other end. An impossibility. When listening to these characters you need to interpret every word as widely as possible. T...