
Showing posts with the label fiancial

Airlines presentations of numbers in a crisis leaves a lot to be desired

Norwegian came out with its may figures today. The only numbers was total flown in May and how many seat kilometers had been offered. That is like comparing grapes and melons. Airlines have somthing to learn from Trump. Instead of focusing on the total number of unemployed in todays press conference he was all about how many had gone back to work. That is a positive number and was taken positively by the stock market. Airlines should do something similar and get used to that this year is different. I'm sure in Europe May's numbers would have compared favourably with April and that is what should have been emphasised. How many more passengers in May than April. How was the load factor on the planes that did fly. How was the payment willingness among they who do fly. How many planes in use compared to total fleet and add to that the percentage number of earlier total staff brought back and what the production was in the same period last year to see the theoretical potential....