
Showing posts with the label hand

Why are airlines so divided on best CoVid19 procedures

Some airlines, like Ryanair, demand all online check in while others, like Emirates, demand desk check in. Some want more checked in baggage and less carry on while others demand more carry on and less checked in. It seems that full service airlines want more control and less obstacles demanding check ins where they can hand out kits of sanitizing measures and less passenger handling by hand of anything in the cabin. Low Fares airlines go for more of what the passenger can do and less of what they have to do. A policy they have pushed for years. So no real change there then, even in a communicable disease crisis.

Alternatives to physical distancing by space

Many remember the old class separating curtains used in planes. This could be moved from row to row depending on how many business class customers there was. A similar curtain on every row of seats would be a very good physcial barrier to stop droplets expelled with sneezes, or during conversations, traveling over several rows. An extension could be added down to the armrest between each seat in a row for complete cocooning and removing the need for leaving seats free. When you have taken your seat you sanitize your hands and your are safe even if you touch your face now ad then because your hands will then not touch anything touched by anyone else. Social distancing by walls works in first class so why not. And row separating curtains have been allowed for a long time as a movable class separation. A company has already made a sample: However they could be larger and on the armrest instead of taking a whole seat, to allow full oc...