
Showing posts with the label plane

Could a permanently reduced market benefit airlines with smaller planes

  If the Wizz air chief is right in that CoVid19 will lead to a permanently reduced airline passenger market combined with more direct flights and much less hub and spoke, then the LoCo's are going for the wrong aircraft with their demand for more and more seats per aircraft. More direct routes and less demand should mean a market of planes with less seats each to avoid the booking confusion of trice weekly flights instead of daily. After all sample Ryanair made their lo-co start with 130 seat planes, then 186 seat and soon they will be up to 200 and then 220 with an extra cabincrew. Larger planes and still just 2 pilots in them might lower costs per seat but if they have to keep fire-selling the seats could it decrease profit per planeload.

Why clean aircrafts for viruses after a month in storage

With the rule that the virus lives hours on the skin, days on cloth and a week or so on hard surfaces, I don't follow this obsession of cleaning planes, or even business premises, that no customer or staff have been in for weeks or months. It seems like cleaning have become the back to use virus mantra without rational thought for when and where it is needed. Dust yes, but just parking things for a couple of weeks is the ideal way of disinfecting it from viruses. With cleaning by hand it is more likely the cleaner bring new virus on board than that any have survived the last month. Bacteria is a different story. But then we are back to normal cleaning routines and not obsessive CoVid19 ones. And btw a simple cloth with a bit of disinfectant is not enough for a whole plane, or a store, or a hairdresser. After a certain point you are just smearing things around.

Middle seat free - necessary or uneconomical

Social distancing must be practiced everywhere els ein corona times, why not on airlines. No business think physical distancing is good for profit but most have to accept it asa necessity in a hopefully temporary new reality. Airline management though seem to find the whole concept difficult. Some of them are so used just for profit to stuff their customers in to the absolute legal limit and without comforts that they don't. Safety is just because accidents are bad for business. In a differnt time they would be landlords sending their tenants on coffinships to America so they could utilize the vacated land better. Problem with that way of thinking arise when low-low prices are no longer the be all and end all for if people want to fly or not. In dangerous times people become price unelastic and will pay what it costs if they absolutely have to fly. And if not necessary they won't no matter how cheap it is. This concept seeems to escape many of todays airline chiefs. Even thoug...