
Showing posts with the label knowledge

Management changes needed in Norwegian due to weighing and found to light during time of crisis

The one part of Norwegian's top leaders that seems to be doing ok even in Corona times is Finance represented by Geir Karlsen. But then he was the CEO for a few months. On the other hand this concurrent story of delayed aand abandoned presentations of the current staate of affairs is wearing a litle on the mantle gained during the financial restructuring of the airline. Operations is not doing well in neither running an airline consiting of a fleet of 7 planes. Nor can they organize the and neither do they have a plan for how to expand and test the waters for other possiblilities. With that we can put a minus on the PR and press handling department because the way they have defended this shambles reminds us of the days of Comical Ali. Engineering also seems pretty distant if they think having only 7 planes in action instead of rotating the whole fleet to keep it current and avoid massive maintenance costs at the end. And what about that other Dreamliner fleet where nothing is m...