
Showing posts with the label Lufthansa

Well the tide ran out and the ones left standing naked was surprise surprise the germans

Maybe their towels was left on a sunbed somewhere.  Lufthansa have been negotiating with the German government for a multi billion euro package. Howeber german pride within the company have topped them from actuallya ccepting the money offered. For the first they don't want to give up slots iin the german airports they hold a stranglehold on. For the second they don't want civil cervants or even worse politicians keeping an eye on how they run things, or god forbid how large a new Mercedes top managmenet changes to every year. Pehaps it shouldn't have been so surprising, at least for they who knew luftie couldn't make money on transporting tourists. Well according to some insider commentators that is. But are instead depending on they who don't pay for the ticket themselves, and hopefully are not looking at the costs. That in a downturn is a castle built on sand.  Letting foreign Low Costs in and showing the natives how little they really could get away with pay...