
Showing posts with the label startup

Is the plan still the plan if you hear nothing more.

It's a Norwegian trait that if you say you are going to do something that is the plan until you hear something different.  In sample Ireland a plan has to be reconfirmed and preferably every day until it happens or else everone assumes its cancelled. Back last spring Norwegian said they where hibernating their longhaul until March 2021. One would think that after such a long hibernation an official declaration would be made if this was still the plan 9 months later. But not Norwegian. They have started selling longhaul seats both out of London Gatwick and Paris and probably other permutations if you want to check:  Norwegian destinations from Gatwick   However there is no rumour about them having started retraining their 787 pilots at neither London Gatwick nor in Paris. They proably have kept some 787 hopefully training pilots current to do ferry flights. Some of the Dreamliners have gone to Shannon and back to leasers to go to new customers. But its not a good sign if s...

How an upstart airline can take advantage of destination turmoil

When it comes to utilizing the constantly changing nature of the CoVid19 crisis travel advices from diverce governments, startup airlines have a unique opportunity to take advantage. Where others are large and slow you will be small and flexible. As some pairings close others opens up. People are just booking short time out anyway so you don't have to publish a 6 month schedule. Many airlines take a week or 2 to react to government advisory changes. You should have it ready for booking by tomorrow. In addition most customer charter rules are temporarily suspended or not enforced so a 2 or even 1 week cancelling policy should be envoked. Cancel, refund and move your resources to a different route. As a new airline you are not lumbered with bookings done months ago that you want to fly to avoid refunding because you have spent the cash from them on paying for unused planes and other fixed costs.