
Showing posts with the label Buzz

Ryanair and the potential for further ExMax orders

 There are speculations that Ryanair will place a further 150 ExMax orders before Christmas if the plane is given the all clear to fly again by then. But in case what would this order consist of. To get the best deal they would probably have to take some of the estimated 100 white tails. These are built planes where the customer have gone or cancelled the order and most of them are of versions 8 or 9. Ryanair have ordered version 10 with 230 seats a longer fuselage, an extra emergency exit and a levered landing gear to avoid tail strikes. Not many of them are built or abandoned. Running 2 types of the airplane would be against the grain of Ryanair. However the group now consists of 3 airlines. Ryanair DAC, Buzz, Malta Air and Lauda. And the last one have earlier this year abandoned its Airbus order. There is nothing in the Low Cost rulebook saying that Lauda couldn't be an ExMax 9 only airline. Lauda air is the airline for the german speaking part of Europe. One could speculate in ...

Wizz is trying to rewrite history in their naming conflict with Ryanair

Looks like Wizz is fighting Ryanair over the use of the name Buzz for its Ryanair Sun operations claiming Buzz is to similar to Wizz. I doubt this similarity is conincidental but it is really Wzz that is on the backfoot. 2003 was a busy year in the Low Fares business. In the beginning months of that year Ryanair purchased a 4 year old airline called Buzz from its previous owner KLM. In the autumn of that same year Wizz was incorporated. So an ailine with the name Buzz existed long before Wizz started. Doubt that Wizz's name choice was that coincidental and there is proably merit in that they think the names are alike. They probably came up with Wizz exactly because it sounded like the already established airline Buzz. That Ryanair after continuing flying under the name Buzz before they concentrated on the name Ryanair and later rested the name for a few years is not that relevant. They always sat on the rights for the opportune moment. It is simply a case of what goes around...