
Showing posts with the label share

What would have happened if Norway had rescued Norwegian

If one as the Norwegian party Senterpartiet (Centrist) suggested had given the airline Norwegian 20 billion nkr, the future for the company would have been less rosy than one would think. As opposite to the future of the many who would have filled their pockets. Management would have rewarded themselves well with some exuberant, for Norway to be, bonuses for saving the company. As Gustafson of SAS did after persuading staff to so deep cuts in their terms and renumerations some years ago. The lease- and bondholders would see to that all past and future rents and payments would be paid well in advance, as the big shareholders they are. All the unions would then come in and fight hard to see to that their members got their share of the cake and more, plus lay paid to any demands for performance improvements. Nobody would fight for neither future profits or any streamlining of the company into something that would be anything else than a future drain and per passeenger loss busines. None o...

SAS has squandered its share holder funds, and more, but keep on going

Scandinavian Airline Systems divulged today that its its share owner value at the end of the quarter were -65 million Skr and the company is technically bust. That explains why it didn't take up the loan offer from the Norwegian government that demanded a ownership ratio of 8%.The swedish and danish loans can then neither been seen as normal business loans since they where given to a company with in reality no share holder funds whatsoever. 65 million Skr might not be such a large sum for an airline, but normally one would adjust sample the Goodwill account to see too that one at least was on the postive side with shareholder funds. Have the company maximized the crisis for the purpose of gaining political momentum for their bailouts, to such an extent they are in legally murky waters. Even though they are going for a crisis issue of new shares it doesn't change the fact that in the meantime the company is being run for the creditors money. Is this the new normal. As long ...

The Norwegian share value benefits from inexperienced investors

One would think a price of 4.50 Nkr for Norwegian shares that with all the new shares values the company higher than when the share was worth 300 Nkr would scare of any buyers. But no. Institutional and experienced share owners sell while small savers buy in and think the share over some years will again rise to the 300. That would in case value the company at more than 9 times the value of Ryanair and probably more than all the other publicly traded airlines in the world combined. Norwegian should take advantage for this surge for the share and expand the share capital again. The last expansion was seriously oversubscribed. It seems like at every turn for some reason the company is issuing seriously fewer new shares than the market could swallow. Except that is for when it decided to force them on bond holders and leasing companies.