
Showing posts with the label short term

Have Gustafson overstayed his time in SAS

He was on a loose footing during the crew strikes last year when his own milking of the company, shortly after getting his crews agreeing to personal cuts, came to the fore. Now it is clear he neither built up enough buffers in the good years or took action fast enough when the millions started running out seriously much faster than they where coming in. How do you manage to loose all your shareholder funds in a quarter where the pandemic for the  mostly was somewhat absent and only did real damage in the last 2-3 weeks. Qustions need to be asked whether loosing all the funds during the winter and then reestablishing them during the summer has been a regulaire thrait over the years. In that case somebody have been compensated way to well, including the CEO himself. Not at all according to the comapany's real overall results. In general the pandemic learns us that top managment compensations need to be even less concentrated on short term quarterly and yearly goals, and much mo...