
Showing posts with the label leather

Norwegian still have much to learn from Ryanair regarding aircraft interiors.

In these CoVid19 times it is even more important to simplify the interior of your planes to create as few touch and other virus transfer points as possible. Norwegian still practices having a cloth piece where you lean your head on rather than just the leather seat. Leather is much easier to clean with disinfectant than cloth that ideally should be removed and washed after each flight, but ain't. They might look nice with the airline name on them but one would think that by the time the passengers find their seats they already know they are flying with Norwegian. The emergency procedures are still on a loose sheet, even if laminated. Sticking these permanently to the seatback in front removes the need of touching it. In all seat pockets is a contamination trap in these pandemic times. Away with them.  And while we are on the theme of seats. Leaning seatbacks. Away with them. They are an extra unnecessary cost and mostly a bone of contention that add very little to the comfort ...