CoVid19, can todays soft society live with it if we have to or will 2019 levels never reappear

Heard immunity and a reduction in inection was supposed to happen at 60% infection/vaccination. Now some countries are there but infection rates continue to rise. 

New scenario; We need to be at 90% vaccination rate because the vaccines are at best 90% effective and with the latest virus version only 30% after first dose. And not at all in some that are immuno compromised.

This could drag on. When 90% won't do it they will come with the 3'rd injection and what then. Will there be a 4'th and a 5'th and then annual boosters. This is the problem when there is no plan B as an alternative to vaccination. Or maybe vaccination was plan B and a plan C is just to much for politicians to think about. 

At some stage we will have to live, or die, with the CoVid19 virus. It's a cold virus just like the 4 others that we have lived with for at least a hundred years. It's just we weren't that well informed when each of them first came around and killed left right and center until a humanity emerged that could overcome them.

We are not there yet where most of us will accept the costs to others, and probably also to ourselves, that living with another cold virus will eventually lead to. In history some have had to live on with 80% casualty rates from oher types of viruses brought to a civilisation with no built in immunity and no real medical knowledge. 

There are certainly politicians around, and in charge in some places, that have no problem living with other peoples suffering. And many medical professionals where already emotionally hardened through years of working with patients that die all the time. 

For airlines the longer it drags on the more problematic the costs of oversized fleets are going to be. Some don't seem to care. Ryanair got a reprieve by delayed ExMax deliveries but now they are storming ahead with fleet expansion trusting their bank balance to get them over. Or is its bosses more of the ageing gung ho made their money and if it works they will be even richer and if not they are still well off and somebody else takes the losses variety.

But what if there is no return to 2019 passenger levels, ever. Other environmental impacts are marching on with many campaigners seeing no reason why they should care about bruised airlines over a bruised planet. Dreaming of electric planes in 5 to 10 years rather than the more realistic a few percent per year improvement in fuel economy per passenger kilometer for the next 30 years. The middle ground is a rapid decline in airline production and a reduction of pollution by flying less.


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