SAS legacy management structure and placement is not doing it any favours

The national head offices structure of SAS has overstayed its usefullnes. SAS norwegian national hq came short again in implementing its rules and stopping another negative article about it's service.being pitifull. Followed by a rash of excuses from after the fact on how this was not how managment had thought it should work or that the meomos to that effet had not been followed. Pathetic.

No wonder since the management is housed near an airport that was closed more than 20 years ago. SAS management in Norway is simply placed to far from where its planes are and where its passengers are having daily problems. The managements instructions is either not reaching its staff or they feel free to ignore them since there is not high enough brass visible often enough and/or at the right times.

This time it was a family that was unseremoniously and without explanation denied boarding due to overbooking on a plane they saw their luggage being loaded on to. And then underage children where schedued onto different replacment flights than their guardians (in this case parents). A simple no-no that SAS managment had not been able to indoctrinate into its on the ground staff or outsourced hire in's as if that makes a difference other in the brain of a person that thinks they can outsource not only a job but also their responsibilities. In adition the family where denied access to food and accomodation or info about their rights for compensation. Its a new low, or more probably a low repeated again and again by the company.

If there where to be any point in keeping large admins and associated upper management echolons in every Scandinavian country SAS operates in they need to be closer to their passengers. Not hiding in posh offices in expensive areas of town because it suits the employees rather than the job they need to perform. SAS offices on Fornebu should close and be sold or leases terminated with immediate effect. And if needed a suitably sized downsized management should find offices at Gardermoen where the planes take off from and land for Oslo these days. Preferably in walking distance from the departure hall so said management can make frequent visits to the coalface. Same goes for Stocholm and more so if head office moves to Copenhagen. 


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