Aircraft maintenance chickens coming home to roost

There are reports that some airlines have been light on aircraft maintenance during the CoVId19 lockdowns. This specially goes for they who have outsourced that maintenance and have done a light touch follow up.

Since airfreight is still massively behind some airlines like, EasyJet, have found that parts are hard to come by now when everybody are ramping up their flying and all need the same parts at the same time. The situation isn't helped by that freight and especially airfreight is far behind normal operation.
This has led to some airlines having to use their less fuel efficient planes insted of the newer and greener ones. Even if they have extras of the others in stock they just haven't been maintained to the standard required for an immediate return to service. Or even not so immediate since most airlines have had 2 to 3 weeks between announcing its uprated schedule to actually going live with it.

It is ironic that planes can't get back in the air because planes ain't in the air.
But this is always the problem when a crisis, however temporary, occurs. Doesn't even help how good maintenance contracts you have if communications and freight ain't running.
Wonder how many bumpy takeoffs we are in for because aircraft wheels haven't been rotated on parked planes and those tyres are no longer perfectly round.


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