Rygge would be a transatlantic hub more aligned with Low Cost than OSL

A single airline could completely dominate a reopened Rygge airport. Think all the slots just for itself with the whole airport designed around its own needs. Including passenger sluicing and offices. All available relatively reasonable since its closed at the moment with no reopening in site without an  anchor airline.

It could certainly become a hub and an easy & smooth airport to connect through. We are thinking a transatlantic hub with incoming connections plus feeding and drawing from the Oslo east and Swedish market. Remember Oslo east is seen as the lesser part of Oslo with a lot of suburban somewhat high rise sprawl and even more OBOS. The last is the social way of financing your housing needs where only part of the loan is yours and part is a joint with the other apartment owners. This for they who don't have the financial strength to obtain the full mortgage themselves.

Parking could be made much cheaper at Rygge than OSL where prices are on the expensive side and even more so during CoVid19 times where cheaper options are closed down. For OSL we are talking twice the price of the nearly similarly sized Dublin, here for an airport that is more than four times the distance from the city center.

Rygge is also a privately owned airport and can set its own fee level. As compared to OSL which is part of the semistate Avinor with government controlled fee level that is not only used for cross subsidising smaller airports in the system but also for executing environmental policies.

Hubing from northern Norway to the sun could be an addition. This is certainly popular through the expensive OSL. Remember Norway is very long with smaller catchment areas due to relatively small cities, we are talking sub 80 000 per town/airport here north of Trondheim.
A transatlantic hub would draw a following from a broad catchment area all of its own since there is certainly not many of them direct from Norway, or this end of Sweden.

Yes, a more natural for a Norwegian transatlantic hub would be Ireland, or LGW post CoVid19, but babysteps.


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