A time of wordlwide crisis is not the time to bother governments with spurious court cases

Ryanair has done it again. Gone and dwcided that their hunt for profit is more important than peoples health and the world economy and taken the Irish government to court on a technicality in their handling of the CoVid19 pandemic emergency.
It just show what type of selfcentered individuals runs Ryanair, and BA. They can really be compared with the landlords of old that sent their tenants away on coffin ships so they could exploit the land left behind for profit.

Doesn't help that they try to pack it in with concerns about clarity or the freedom of the individual or as humanitarian and sympathetic. These are the same people that will only take pandemic precautions if it doesn't cost their own company anything. Others should provide the masks. Airports should do and pay for the temperature checks. Social distancing is to difficult a.s.o. And pushing the line that no advice is better than  unclear advice is just b****cks.

Still waiting for what O'Leary's, and Wilson's, contribution to solving the worldwide pandemic can be. Other rich people have provided both money, resources and guidance. Not those 2. For them even more profit and thereby bonuses is king. They can't take even 1 rest year or think for one second about if this is the year to transport as many people as possible between countries.

Mabe they are getting desperate when they see that not even a drop in price will get people flying. Let's face it, with the amount of equipment they have gathered together they will not fare well when only the 25% of us that is ignoramas will travel. And hurrying them around will only prolong the crisis. Many are at the moment price insensitive and wouldn't get on a plane if you paid them. Not only are they afraid because social distancing is not being offered. They know the experience where they go to will not be much better than were they are now. In addition to the uncertainty about how quick things will change on goernment advice and increase in the risk of actually catching the, lets be honest, plague.


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