Boeing continues on like nothing bad really happened to the ExMax

Don't exactly know what degrees Boeing top management have but it don't seem to be psychology, or pr for that sake.
They think the most important thing is to get the 737 ExMax past the FAA scrutiny. And for that they are playing the stubborness card. As little change as they can get away with for as cheap as is possible. And that means software only. Reprogramming is cheap but it doesn't really give the press anything to take a picture off. And a picture is worth a thousand words.

It is not the FAA that is going to pay to be passengers on the plane. That is the general public and they go by what the press says. And since the press have been touting for many months now that the plane is unsafe and aerodynamically flawed, the potentially flying public is expecting something to be done about it. And noen of them have any real belief in safe software thanks to Microsoft's work during the past 2 decades. They know it is always flawed and full of bugs and need to be rectified every few weeks with a constant flow of new patches.
But the worst thing that happens on your home computer is the blie screen of death, not that you yourself end up in a fiery crash. Still this has lead to many abandoning Microsoft's offerings for more stable mobile products from Apple and Google.
Do Boeing want the same thing to happen to them. All their customers going for Airbus and Embraer and they end up pivoting like Microsoft. Remember MS changed all their bosses also, including guru Gates and admin Balmer.

What ExMax needs is a visual change, and not something hidden in the tail wiring. Sample some glued on aerodynamic fins that represent a physcial change to a physical aerodynamic problem. Like the bogey pivotpoint shifter is a physical fix on the ExMax-10 for the danger of tailscrapes because its stretched to far. Doubt Ryanair's drop of the Max name is enough to mislead enough potential passengers that it can be made a success in the near future.


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