Have Norwegian a future beyond court protection

Now when the main subject of my last article has taken the consequences and partly thrown in the towel we can speculate on if Norwegian have a future as an independent airline.

CityJet might have come out of its protction as a leaner and stronger ailine, maybe, but they where a very small airline, a shadow of their former self already, with a well connected Irish businessman founder/leader and some guaranteed income wetleas contracts in their pocket. They came out of the process as an airline that no longer sell seats or fly scheduled routes under their own name.

Surprised O'Leary  haven't made an appearance regarding Norwegian going lets call a spade a spade, bust. Ireland has a very small and concentrated aviation environment and those leasing companies that have planes at Norwegian have a lot more at Ryanair. In addition to that most of them grew out of the Ryanair original owner Tony Ryan's own leasing company. And many in the circuit including overseers onece worked for Ryanair. Maybe he is keeping to the backrooms to do the coupe de grace on Norwegian.

If Ryanair suddenly announces internal Norwegian flight one should no longer have a hope for a future Norwegian. And the Ryanair subsidiary Buzz (Ryanair Sun) should be a good fit for Scandinavia to the Med, with planes based in the other end.

More to the point may be if the liquidator, sorry examiner, see any hope of anyone again sinking money into new Norwegian shares when the company has burnt so many shareholders in so many emisions already. If not, since the plane owners are the same as the majority share owners, one would think operations will seize quickly to save cash and maximise return to at least the prioritised of they that are owed money. 

Flying on has no purpose for a company that even before CoVid19 was loosing 2 Euro for every passenger it flew unless creditors are desperate that some take care of their plane assets in a poor to non existing market. A job that Norwegian to be honest have not even done that well parking them with minimal maintenance and acruing a big return to service liability, unlike Ryanair that fly their whole fleet regularly.


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