How would you organize Sanitized and Couldn't Care Less classes

Specially Low Fares airlins without distinctly different seat configurations for where passengers can choose to pay more for a more separate seatig arrangements, should at this time consider to give ereryone an option to increase the amount of potential customers.
Some have suggested to call the Couldn't Care Less class (CCLc) the CoVid19 class but that could give the wrong associations and suggest the airline actually accept infected people on board. Something that should of course be avoided with all possible measures.

Sanitized class (Sc) would have middle seat free and cleaning would be done between each flight. Cleaning would include wiping down all touch surfaces like armrests, tray tables, seat backs and similar, including anything you are likely to touch when boarding and disembarking. In additional each passenger should be supplied with packed sanitizing napkins if they want to do additional wipe downs themselves. They would also board from the front. and their toilets would be at the front. Trolley service in this section would include crew sanitizing between serving each customer. All passenger in this clss would be required to wear a mask at all times.
It will of course be sold at a premium to weigh up for the additional cleaning and reduced seating capacity.

CCLc would board and disembark through the rear door. If using airbridge they would decend the airbridge stairs to the ground to still enter the plane from the back. And same in reverse at landing. Their toilets would be exclusively at the back. Crew service should be kept at an absolute minimum in this cabin to minimise risk for the crew. Cleaning in this section would be only nightly. Masks would be required at boarding and disembarking and during all contact with a crew member.

1 crew memeber would stand at stairs and chck that oonly Sc passengers can board from the front.
There would be a moving curtain divider between the 2 classes. Guarded by a crew member from  boarding through flight and and disembarking to ensure that no one but crew members would pass between the 2 classes. And at the same time it would not be an obstacle in an emergency.

Which class would board first is a matter of how many are booked in each class. If very few in Sc I would suggest boarding these last, after any boarding equipment they touch are given a wipe. This so they can avoid mixing in the rush for boarding and keep their distance. If equal amounts or few are booked in CCLc then board those last so Sc's can board without the careless having touched everything first. Any boarding queues for the 2 classes should be clearly marked and be at a minimum 2 meter distance from each other.

If your booking systems can't handle 2 classees, sell CCL as an additional extra, like a bag, or an upgrade. Most systems can handle that. The most important is that boarding cards, whether paper or electronic, are clearly marked so can be spotted quickly at a distance when boarding.


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