The possible future of Low Fares intercontinental

Norwegian worked up a good brand in Low Fares transatlantic and to parts of Asia. Now when they are retracting to the Norway and Scandinavia market, plus probably something to bring those customers to some sun like Spain, Italy, France and similar, it leaves a market, new fleet and crews ready for easy prickings for the right operator.
London Gatwick could be losing some of its main operators on the transatlantic market with Virgin shrinking and BA retrenching to Heathrow. So there is an opportunity for a partial ready made market to be exploited when traffic returns. And chances of a head start for they willing to dip a toe in the water, with the potential of real returns.

Many have tried and failed in Europe-US low fares. Few had such a chance that now exists to make it also a true Low Cost. Utilizing the worked up brand of Norwegian could give an instant ready supply of potential passengers. Combine that with a great opportunity for exceptional deals on leases, low price on fuel and crews willing to take substantial cuts in for any chance of a job within their profession and a rich supply of slots in before congested airports.
Make the 787's real Low Cost with a single 350 seat class and you are already ahead. Its 9 abreast 3+3+3 configuration is ready made for some temporary social distancing giving 6 seats, just as many usable seats as sample 3-4-3. But it's 2-3-2 premium have to go giving only 4 social distancing seats per row.
Take on some of the crews that Norwegian ditched and could potentially become a legal milestone around its financial neck, and you would come out of it with a good franchise deal, or buyout for cash, for the name. You can always rebrand later when you are established and can do an app rebrand and lick of paint, smoothly but with additional chance of some cheap pr.

Grow with routes from Europe to Asia and South America. Norwegian was on the right way. They just got distracted combining local flying with trans-ocean under the for all practical purposes one and same company. Instead make loose alliances with other true Low Costs for feeder traffic and transfers.
However base it some other place than Norway and their odd to sample an Ameircan work/life balance priorities, union ruled labour market and socialistic tax system, and under a regulator more open and used to the needs of a Low Cost, like Ireland.


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