Is Airline chiefs fibbing about middle seat free on flights being economically usnsustainable

Let's take som quick math to Ryanair's O'Leary's claims that middle seat free is unsustainable.
According to the Ryanair results presentation their average fare is 37 euro. Add 50% and it becomes 55.5 Still below Easyjet's current of 59 according to the same presentation. Will an extra 18 euro 50 cents really stop people from flying if it means they could be safer from viruses.
It seems more of a pshycological problem for top brass rather than for any real economic reason, that airlines think they should be excempt from the physical distancing that every other business have to put up with. Some will always persist on squezing the last of capacity out of both materiel and staff, even at the cost of suffering, for others.

The only thing a temporry 50% rise in ticket prices put an end to is O'Leary's plans about releasing a rush of Low Fares to get further market share from competitors, as long as they don't do just the same with borrowed money. I am sure that would tickle the green parties different governments have had to placate and give future promsies to get them onboard on emergency legislation to fight the CoVid19 impact on their economies. An increase in the price of flying certainly won't harm the environment.


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