If looking for where to start flying first look at where there is a lot of cross border cooperation

No matter how much blm flying to former colonies is still a stable revenue stream and among the most recession and CoVid19 proof among international passenger air-transport business you can do.
The first to come back and get was flying between Portugal and its former colonies in South America. It actually hardly stopped.
There are still a lot of connection between European states and their former colonies. And the later they where freed the more. It don't seem like resentment is the lingering frame of mind but more a continued sense of responsibility. Look at Britain and its consideration of offering immigration to all of its former colony Hong Kong residents. I mean the UK is keeping many of them in a continued cooperation arrangement even through sporting games.

There seem to also be a certain amount of continuing business and trade between such constellations, resulting in non tourist traffic that are allowed also in a time of crisis. A lot of overseas students also travel to their former colony powers center of education due to their perceived better reputation. Not to talk about that many countries keep an open immigration policy for those that once was within their domain. Like France and the UK.

This means also airlines that ain't actually headquartered in these places should early look into the possibility of reopening their own routes between them. And that goes for anybody with, maybe former, intercontinental ambition, like Norwegian.

In all it is disappointing that some airlines are so upset by some countries quarantining that they don't see that demand builds up over time of people wanting to travel even if they have to self-isolate for a period if they do. We have become so used to having the ability to travel that we have built up dependencies and relationships across borders. And they don't unravel just because the world hit a crisis. Many might have been scared to fly to their originating country even if they where well established in another, but many did not.
There are many personal relations and business bonds across borders and people want to maintain them no matter what. Actually in a world wide health crisis they want to strengthen them even more.


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