Make Norwegian the most environmental airline

Constantly newer planes with better engines are not enough when one do both short haul and long haul and can't compete in the investments race. But Norwegian could become the most environmentally green combination airline by lightning the load and stuffing them in.

If one think the smallest fuel burn per passenger kilometer lightning the seats are one way. Get writhe of the heavy business class seats and fill the plane with the lightest seats you can find. But something that still don't feel like church pews to sit on.
And no business class means no extra heavy crockery or bottles of drink, or double set of trollies.
The single class system would also add seats for 12 or more extra passengers in long haul meaning more heads to divide the fuel burn on.
If you don't hand out newspapers and magazines you don't need seat pockets either. Away with them and even more weight saved, plus a bit of extra legroom or alternatively maybe even an extra row of seats.

You are already way ahead of most intercontinental multiclass airlines and have saved money on the fitout of the planes in the process. But there is more.

Be flexible with your scheduling. It is difficult to squeeze extra flights into a long haul schedule for a single plane so utilize the 24 hours per day effectively by flying at the most optimal fuel burn. Extra time on the ground just cost extra money anyway.

Seriously consider how much you save financially by tankering fuel. And how much greener you could promote yourself as if minimizing.

It is a bit of a stretch to call an airline green, unless it comes from Ireland, but environmentally by its own measures it can at least be greener than the others.


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