Norwegian moving at a snails pace, even at boardroom level

The boardroom changes planned for Norwegian seems small compared to that the entire ownership structure have changed since the current board was chosen. Only 2 representatives from leasing companies that now owns a very large part of the airline. And only 1 other new board member.
That is shockingly lazy work from the consultants hired in to assist in the process. But maybe not so unexpected since the same people where responsible for finding the new management just being put into action at the company.
For an airline with only 8 planes flying they on the other hand certainly  have decided to reward the board handsomely for the coming year.

One would hope the planned reduction from 3 to 2 weeks for notifications of emergency general meetings is a sign that other changes are planned in the near future by some of the soon to be elected members of either the board or the selection committee.
Changes are needed, and quickly before the current management squanders on a hibernation mode the few billions of Nkr they have managed to scrape together. Most other airlines have much quicker planes for return to business than 2021. Most hope to have most of their route network reestablished and a good portion of their planes flying this summer.

The ability to change quickly have proven so important in the rapidly changing CoVid19 landscape. Norwegian management made a plan at the height of the lockdowns, admittedly fought hard to bring it to fruition but are now taking a breather sitting on their hands going for being home by 17:30 every evening.
Rumour has it they have only 2 mechanics looking after a fleet of dozens of aircraft at one norwegian airport and all those planes haven't moved in 3 months. Not even good for tires.
If the truth is reported in that they only have 200 people working in the whole company of an 11 000 strong workforce, they are certainly not doing enough of neither maintenance, planning for possible futures or doing necessary system changes in preparedness for an, maybe temporarily maybe not, changed world.


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