One have to spend some money to earn money

Even i a downturn, or a crisis, airlines need to keep looking and preparing for opportunities. An old saying is saving until bust, meaning keeps on saving and shrinking until there is nothing left.

In these time airlines like Norwegian should instead of going into complete hibernation mode be constantly looking for opportunities. If pairs of countries open up for travelers from 14 days in the future they should schedule flights between these pairs today and sell them from tomorrow. Specially since all new(ish) routes need to be advertised and sold beforehand to build up a certain load factor even on opening day.
Airlines should start by looking at all historical pairings they flew. Even if you home primary country is still restrictive don't mean that other scandinavian, european or world contries are.
One should also be looking at expanding and capturing new marketshares from airlines that are more slow movers. Every crisis bring opportunities for they with the wherewithal and guts to move.

Some airlines that are on the constant precipe of the engame have less to lose than others. Don't wait until the money runs out because then your opportunities will be much more limited. Those extra loans you took on should be put to good money making use, not just sit there and pay running expences. Borrowed capital needs to be set to work to make a larger return than what they cost. Else they are just wasted.


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