Norwegian management not happy with just running an airline

Its presentation to the annual general meeting today showed a future where it is planning to be an "enterprise within future mobility".
Never mind whether that is planning to be "great", but few shareholders like to ambitious diversifications within an enterprise. Not only does it divert managments attention away from the core, but shareholders think they are the best judges of their investments and if they want to invest in other modes of transport they do that separately.

Norwegian managments shorter timeframe plan is to be just a "good organisation within the aviation industry". Good means mediocre in this context. Nobody has an ambition of that. Best in its field and revolutionise is words more used in future plans about ambitions.

This lack of airline focus shows also in the new organisational chart. Operations is twice removed from the CEO below not only a large stab and a separate airline chief but also a customer chief. Far from the Low Cost mantra and sample O'Leary's words of the customer is always wrong.
Is Schram trying to pretend he is the chief of a much larger entity, modelling his organisation on the likes of a multiairline setup like IAG or Ryanair. Somebody need to tell him he don't have neither the financial clout nor intimate airline experience for that.

And an "airline ecosystem". What do they mean by that. Traditionally that would be ground handling, catering and des like. Things they have tried to outsource in the past. Placing this under a different chief than the airline chief can not be good for any resemblence of coordinated control. So there is signs this is something undefined where they will try to get into more perifer parts of travel. Again see first paragraph of lack of concentration on core.
Maybe the CEO has given up the hope of making money on transporting people from A to BE. In that case the board should give another person that believe in airlines as a possible profitable industry a chance. Fat chance of that however as long as Smedegaard, the picker of Schram, is still in place as the board chairman.

Else todays presentation contains a lot of big but ultimately non specific words, probably taken straight out of a managment consultants general presentation to any form of company.


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